KMJ and classmates
Halo good morning everyone. Im so bored im heading to rompin pahang right now for family day so I've decided to update my blog about my college. okay so where should i start? Weh srsly im not in a good mood and i feel annoyed by everyone. I want to pee but we are travelling in a convoy so i cant pee and i have to hold it for like 2hours?? Aku mcm tkleh terima. Okay let me just start how i can exist di bumi kmj ni. At first, i really hate kolej matrikulasi guys. I swear im so picky in everything. So since my sister is an ex student of kmj i had many chances to lurk around the college everytime i go visit her and 'hmm lama nya bangunan ni. Mesti bosan' always came to my mind. But i was wrong. Kmj today is so much fun as i have lots of new friends, got tons of passionate lecturers and ofc bcs i have my girls in here too (aida ecah naza). Thank you girls for choosing kmj. You guys are in a straight path 💯 we have been through a lot and many of my fav moments ...