busy night but im here
Hi and Assalamualaikum semua! It's been a long day i never update my blog. I'm currently doing nothing, just sitting infront of my laptop. I'm so lazy guys tonight, i feel like i want to do nothing. I should've studied right now since my tests is next week. But.. yeah i'm here rn. Forget to tell you that im currently studying at UTM and taking Civil Engineering course. HaAHHAAHah i dont even know why im taking this course bcs i have no intention to be an engineer AT ALL when i was a kid, but now, obviously... i have to be an engineer. a successful engineer one day... InsyaAllah. May Allah ease every single thing that i do. I have A Lot of stories to be told!!!! about my friends, how's my study so far, my crush(not a serious one, like previous crush ehe), my usrah and usrahmates, my beloved uni, UTM and the list goes on....
Okay okay, im going to start with my friends. HELLO I ACTUALLY HAVE TO SETTLE DOWN MY WORK BEFORE I WRITE THIS BUT WHO CARES I CANT WAIT TO TELL YOU EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW 😠my roommate, her name is mimi. my first thought that came to my mind when i meet her is "why so rilek terok hah this girl" because!!!!! i still remember when we should wake up at 5am bcs it was Minggu Mahasiswa's week, we woke up at 6.30am instead!!!! how crazy it was! i was really panicked, checking on my phone if there's any call and yes, i got 8 miscalled and lots of "seri, awak kat mana?" spamming on my whatsapp. BUT GUESS who's the queen of cool girl in this entire world?? It goes to.....MIMI. her expression was simple. i tell you, really simple. she woke up and stared the wall. i was like "HUH?? Seriously this girl???" and as time goes by, mimi that i know is really a cool girl. she can't get nervous or panick easily like me. and recently, i get jealous when she gave farah chocolate since farah just broke up with her bf. like, hello sis i got nothing from you on my birthday.
Okay lah smpi situ saje. mmbe gerak dolo pape roger sbb kena siapkan surat nnti mmbe sambung. yg pntg publish dulu. bye, noob mengundur diri.
Okay okay, im going to start with my friends. HELLO I ACTUALLY HAVE TO SETTLE DOWN MY WORK BEFORE I WRITE THIS BUT WHO CARES I CANT WAIT TO TELL YOU EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW 😠my roommate, her name is mimi. my first thought that came to my mind when i meet her is "why so rilek terok hah this girl" because!!!!! i still remember when we should wake up at 5am bcs it was Minggu Mahasiswa's week, we woke up at 6.30am instead!!!! how crazy it was! i was really panicked, checking on my phone if there's any call and yes, i got 8 miscalled and lots of "seri, awak kat mana?" spamming on my whatsapp. BUT GUESS who's the queen of cool girl in this entire world?? It goes to.....MIMI. her expression was simple. i tell you, really simple. she woke up and stared the wall. i was like "HUH?? Seriously this girl???" and as time goes by, mimi that i know is really a cool girl. she can't get nervous or panick easily like me. and recently, i get jealous when she gave farah chocolate since farah just broke up with her bf. like, hello sis i got nothing from you on my birthday.
Okay lah smpi situ saje. mmbe gerak dolo pape roger sbb kena siapkan surat nnti mmbe sambung. yg pntg publish dulu. bye, noob mengundur diri.
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