busy night but im here
Hi and Assalamualaikum semua! It's been a long day i never update my blog. I'm currently doing nothing, just sitting infront of my laptop. I'm so lazy guys tonight, i feel like i want to do nothing. I should've studied right now since my tests is next week. But.. yeah i'm here rn. Forget to tell you that im currently studying at UTM and taking Civil Engineering course. HaAHHAAHah i dont even know why im taking this course bcs i have no intention to be an engineer AT ALL when i was a kid, but now, obviously... i have to be an engineer. a successful engineer one day... InsyaAllah. May Allah ease every single thing that i do. I have A Lot of stories to be told!!!! about my friends, how's my study so far, my crush(not a serious one, like previous crush ehe), my usrah and usrahmates, my beloved uni, UTM and the list goes on.... Okay okay, im going to start with my friends. HELLO I ACTUALLY HAVE TO SETTLE DOWN MY WORK BEFORE I WRITE THIS BUT WHO CARES I CANT WAIT TO...